CTRLCare Behavioral Health | Shopping Addiction Treatment in Princeton, NJCTRLCare Behavioral Health Princeton offers professional, compassionate shopping addiction treatment in New Jersey. Because compulsive shopping can take a toll on your relationships, your finances and your mental health, it’s important to address all of the ways that this addiction may have affected you and your family. Fortunately, there is hope and support to help you control your spending and feel better about yourself. For more information about our shopping addiction treatment in Princeton NJ, Contact us today.
CTRLCare Behavioral Health Princeton
29 Emmons Drive, Suite G-30, Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 237-0088
My Official Website: https://ctrlcarebh.com/
Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6284804180975601282
Our Other Links:
Shopping Addiction Treatment Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/shopping-addiction-therapy/
Technology Addiction Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/technology-wellness/
Mental Health Therapy Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/mental-health/
Eating Disorder Therapy Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/eating-disorder/
Trauma Therapy Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/trauma/
Youth Addiction Treatment Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/our-programs/youth-program/
Behavioral therapy Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/our-programs/behavioral-therapy/
PTSD Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/ptsd/
Anxiety Treatment Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/anxiety/
Gambling Addiction Treatment Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/gambling-addiction/
Med Management Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/mat/
Teen-age Addiction Treatment Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/teenage-addiction-treatment/
EMDR Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/our-programs/emdr/
Social Media Therapy Princeton NJ: https://ctrlcarebh.com/what-we-treat/social-media-therapy/
Service We Offer:
Trauma Therapy
Behavioral Therapy
Video Gaming Therapy
Technology Addiction
Gambling Addiction Treatment
Child Mental Health Services
Eating Disorder Treatment
Shopping Addiction Treatment
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/CtrlcareP
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ctrlcarebehavioralhealth/