Trick Photography for Beginners [Free Ebook]Download Art Photography for Beginners Ebook YouTube Video: YouTube Channel: You will discover 5 trick photography lessons explained in detail that will teach you photography tips for creating astonishing special effects using most only a DSLR camera, tripod a manual mode ajdustments. Lesson 1 Undestand DSLR camera manual mode: ISO, shutter speed, white balance and how to configure your camera for special effects and photo tricks. Lesson 2 Understand Light painting and Light Drawing and the difference between them Lesson 3 Creating awesome physiograms with no photo editing Lesson 4 Photo professionals know how many things you need to create star trails special effect trick. I will show tips and tricks to create star trails in a more easy way. Lesson 5 For those who do not have a DSLR camera a special review of the most rated applications for Android and iOs that transform your regular camera in a long exposure camera letting you paint with light as you please.