B-17 Bomber â The World War 2 Flying Fortress Aviation FilmA captivating film, Mission Accomplished: The Story of the Flying Fortresses is a superb WWII motion picture. This film documents the autumn 1942 bombing mission of the 8th Army Air Force over occupied Europe. The star of the film is the B-17 Bomber, the vaunted Flying Fortress, that soared through the enemy infested skies of World War II. Most interestingly is shown how the preparation of the planes and the pilots, from maintenance to briefings, was accomplished. Stunning aerial footage of the mission, as well as what happens to the Flying Fortresses when they return to base, consummates this awesome film. Thanks to high production values, top notch information on the B-17, and thrilling war scenes, Mission Accomplished: The Story of the Flying Fortress is a powerfully enriching experience.