He'€™s one of the few English actors to make it as an American action star. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we explore the life and career of Jason Statham.
Addressing the lover house of the German parliament, the Bundestag, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Europe should not take for granted that it has managed to secure peace for more than 50 years.
In a key debate on the euro crisis, Merkel outlined the plans of EU leaders to create a secure future for Europe with the euro as a single currency.
This clip shows highlights from her speech. English subtitles will follow later.
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Better Essays is a professional online english proofreading and editing service provider. All of its editors have years of experience in academic and business editing and possess top academic qualifications in their areas of expertise.
An inspirational poem on Inter Faith Unity by Adeel Zaidi. The poem exposes the egos of Professional Clergy exploiting fellow human beings in the name of God -- The God of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and the rest of Messengers of God (PBUT). Please read it in the same spirit and same passion towards a united world believing in basic Human Values!
A short clip fandub from Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. The script was by me seeing as this was prior to the official English release of the game. I play the Grandma and Kairi, and FadedPhantom is Aqua.
This is an English fandub of the second part of the Japanese secret ending to Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. I'm Kairi. For a list of the other actors, please see the description of this video on youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf54IOYiuUk
My second take at Xion. This time with a better microphone (my iPod Microphone). My voice is Xion and Jesse McCartney has been left in from the original as Roxas.
This was a short dubbing project I tried a while back before anything was released regarding the Official North American version of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. YES I KNOW IT'S ONLY HALF A TRAILER!!!! I voiced as Aqua. The other voices in this are sqaull234 as Ventus, Koichi_Saito as Terra, and dragonknighttara as Maleficent. It was a fun project even tho I sound nothing like the real aqua XD. Enjoy!
Original Creation Date: All references to khcrazy10 are me (yumeXXgirl). Okay, this was my first fandub project with people from the VAA. I think it turned out pretty well but I'd like to hear what you guys think too! All criticism and comments about my mixing and acting are welcome and I'm sure the other actors might want to know how you think they did. Anyway, enjoy. Cast: khcrazy10/Tara St. Michel as Xion, sqaull234 as Roxas, lionfayt as Axel and Riku, ConVito as DiZ, tsukasa-chan as Naminé, sarifus as Saïx. Oh, and I suppose this meets the demand for more people had on my previous 37 second dub of Xion! I had a cold when I recorded my part so that's why it might sound slightly different! This time I made sure Xion's name was pronounced properly by the other characters.
Original Creation Date: January 8th 2009 This was my first fandub! I wanted to see how I'd do on Xion's lines so I dubbed over the Japanese. I also did Roxas and Axel with the help of Garageband's voice changer and a few pitch settings on the recording. I edited Xion's lines a bit to make the lips match with proper timing and others just cause I felt like it should be different. Proper subs were put over the original ones with YouTube's annotations where the lines were changed. Please leave comments and tell me what you think! Thank you! All Voices by yumeXXgirl (khcrazy10 on youtube aka Tara St. Michel) [Edit] I pronouced Xion's name wrong in Axel's line because I figured they'd translate the Shion sound to Zeeon in the English version. That didn't happen according to the E3 trailer though!
the cave, 2005, In Eastern Europe A team of scientistsstumble upon the ruins of a 13th century Abbey. They make a startling discovery--the Abbey is built over the entrance to a giant underground cave system. Local biologists believe the cave could be home to an undiscovered eco-system, so they hire a group of American cave-explorers to help them investigate its depths. What they find is pure evil, great film, english, movie, fodd
Highway to Hell 1991, Lowe, Swanson,Rachel is kidnapped by a Hellcop and taken to Hell to become one of Satan's brides, and Charlie must travel to Hell to rescue her, action, adventure, fantasy horror, english, movie, fodd
This English band's third album is laid back, poppy, with just the right amount of groove. http://www.WatchMojo.com chats with Jack and Jamie from the band to find out about the writing and recording processes of their album "A Different Kind of Fix."
Disclaimer I do not own anything!!!! (except one picture) The main song: This is halloween @ Marilyn Manson Minor songs: When You're Evil @ Voltaire Solemn Hour @ Within Temptation How Grandpa Rome Died: Hell song English Dub @ Hetalia Funimation Hetalia @ Hidekaz Himaruya Kingdom hearts @ Square Eniz Pictures Belong to various artists
Famoso film, "Mangiare il World Friendship" è curato di nuovo a Firenze.
Questa volta, l'interruttore giapponese di affittare un appartamento in cui l'hotel affiliato a Firenze. Andare a sperimentare la vita nel cuore della storia! !
World Popular movie, "World traveling eating food" is edited again in Florence.
This time, the Japanese beautiful sisters rent an apartment hostel in Florence. Go out to experience life in the heart of histrical city! !
In this video, http://www.WatchMojo.com takes a look at the history of the English alternative rock band Coldplay, which formed in 1996 and are one of today's most successful musical acts.
Doronpa, born Makoto Sakurai (Japanese: 桜井 誠), is a Japanese activist, writer and internet blogger from Fukuoka Prefecture. He is a leader of the group of people who do not believe Korean people in Japan should have special rights. The group thinks that many of the rights that Korean people have in Japan are not good. Doronpa is a very strict nationalist, a racist, and a xenophobeHe has strong prejudice towards Korean and Chinese people. He thinks that Japanese colonization of Korea was good. He also believes that the Second Sino-Japanese War between China and Japan was a holy war for Japan. Doronpa is the leader of a group of Japanese people who believed that many of the special rights given to Korean people were wrong. The group is called (in Japanese) 在日特権を許さない市民の会. In English, it means "Meeting of the citizens who do not permit resident privilege." The group believes Japanese people must stop the Korean people from having special rights.This group had over 1000 members as of May 2007. The group is one of the main groups against Koreans or Chinese people in Japan today.
theREALiVIPSUBS "Really Subbing Big Bang Videos for iVIPs SINCE 2007" presents: YGTV Episode 8 (August 19, 2009) with English subtitles.To download this clip, visit our website, theREALiVIPSUBS.com.