Chinese film director and writer Han Han announces the release of his upcoming film "飞驰人生2" ("Flying Life 2") on Weibo. The announcement was met with a mix of excitement and jokes from netizens on China's
Melancholia è un film del 2011 scritto e diretto da Lars von Trier. Il regista per questo film si è ispirato ad un episodio di depressione di cui ha sofferto, e dalla consapevolezza che le persone depresse mantengono la calma in situazioni di stress.
S1 E3, 30 November 1971 - Jacky Gillott interviewing the stars of "Nicholas and Alexandra" and director Franklin J. Schaffner, winner of that year's Oscar for "Patton''.
A charming short film about first love and father-son relationship. Starring Michael Jayston, Alan Cox, Stacy Dorning, Frances Jeater, Jennifer Piercey, David Banks, Eva Stuart
In the Slovak Republic’s submission for the Best International Feature Film Academy Awards 2023, VICTIM, political unrest and xenophobia plagues the lives of an Ukraine immigrant Irina, and her son.
Behind the scenes from the set of the Oscar winner film, with Michael Jayston, Janet Suzman, Tom Baker, director Franklin J. Schaffner, producer Sam Spiegel
(*Originally uploaded on YouTube in 2019*) In this 'Gforce784 Archive', I review the 1981 action-adventure film that started the iconic Indiana Jones franchise, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Source: The re release trailer for "Targets" (1968), coming from the 2023 Criterion Blu-ray release of the film. (C) 1968/2023 Paramount Pictures Corporation.
Quattro amici, tutti insegnanti di scuola superiore, testano una teoria che andrà a migliorare le loro esistenze mantenendo un livello costante di alcool nel loro sangue...
Une des scènes d'un de mes films préférés qui a failli m'envoyer à l'hôpital plusieurs fois pour cause d'arrêt respiratoire ( oui je sais c'est supposé être un film pour ados, d'où le fait que c'est un de mes films préférés :)
Explore the future of automotive protection at the Ceramic Pro and Kavaca India Conference & Training in Feb 2022. Immerse yourself in cutting-edge ceramic coating and paint protection film technologies.
Aus der unverhofften romantischen Beziehung einer Mathematiklehrerin mit einem unter Mordverdacht stehenden Koch entwickelt sich ein lebensgefährliches Spiel der Verdächtigungen
Ein wunderbarerer Film mit zwei sehr großartigen schauspielern, Merkatz und Ostermayer spielen authentisch. Ein Tabu Thema, das in diesem Film so ehrlich und natürlich gespielt wurde.