side b (Bobby Elwood)the original sick and twisted enjoy. why one fi...
Added: March 06, 2008
the original sick and twisted enjoy. why one finds interest in experimental films I'll never know, but here it is the movie both my parents and friends hate. If you where to watch this film on your head it might just explode in my future wifes hat. If played backwards you'll reminisce of the pain and suffering of birth all over and over again. So grab your hat and cane and please take the nearest exit because you loses 5 minutes and 3 seconds of your life, leave don't even glance at the monstrosity of Bobby Elwood. Please there are better thing you can do such as mow the lawn, rake the leaves, take out the garbage, find a beautiful woman and hold her tight and never let go, watch a 5 star movie and talk to your friends on how much it stinky and not well made.
a gift from me to you