The Entertainer's Message Part 2 {Illuminati Symbolism}(Jay-Z / Rihanna / Lady Gaga / Demi Lovato) & more. **SPREAD THIS!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!** TL;DR ::: If you're still not getting it: The 'Entertainers' are on OUR side. That bullshit about them being Satanists and all that is co-intel pro (or just a bad collective mind think). What's easier; Wake people up with the Elite's OWN symbolism, or be Satanists for a system they have no part in? They know this world is about to be flipped upside down, and they are WARNING us. It's really that simple. In Selena Gomez' case, she is literally like, a hostage. All Disney creations are "hostage". I will go deeper into her performance at Good Morning America in Part 4, where it will prove without a doubt that there is pedophilia going on. Whoever controls Selena is a SERIOUS pervert.