Last Confession PreviewA dark and moving tale, is the story of a small town priest who bears the burden of confessions he must hear. A shockingly current and moving story of final redemption.
Father Conklin (Larry Pennell) is a well loved priest. Tending his garden, the tolling of a small bell calls Father Conklin into the confessional. What he hears changes his life. The confessor (the voice of Jim Aiken) plays a game of wits with Father Conklin, toying with him until the truth of the confessions is known. As Father Conklin hears these sins, he travels into a deep, dark place. Even the concerns of Marilyn (Sharon Collar), the local diner waitress, or his best friend Tom (Chuck McGahan) do nothing to help Father Conklin through his terrible journey. On the one hand Father Conklin refuses to hear the sins, on the other he begs the confessor to release the burden he has been carrying. When finally it is revealed who the confessor is, it is too late for forgiveness.