Genesis 2:25-3:24Adam and Eve's Fall into Sin in the Garden of Eden
Read Genesis 2:25-3:24
In Genesis 2:25, they were naked and unashamed. Does this mean the Bible promotes nudism?
Has the devil ever asked you, "Did God really say�" When?
Why do you think Eve said in 2:3 that they must not touch the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
In 3:4, the devil says they won't die. Was he right?
What's wrong with wanting to be like God? (1 John 3:2)
What kind of fruit was it?
Was the fruit itself evil? If so, why did God create it? If not, how can eating something good produce evil?
Compare Jesus' temptation in Luke 4:1-13.
In Romans 5 and elsewhere, Adam gets blamed for the original sin. Why?
Why did they make fig leaf clothes for themselves? (3:7) Why didn't it help?
Do you ever feel "naked" before God?
Why did God ask Adam & Eve where they were? Didn't He know? (3:9)
What does this sin do to Adam & Eve's relationship? (Compare ... Distributed by Tubemogul.