Sábado futbolero en nuestro canal, y hoy traemos otro Clásico de renombre en Sudamérica: por la jornada 6 del torneo colombiano, América de Cali y Millonarios, dos de los clubes más famosos del país cafetero, se enfrentan en el momento más turbulento del año para los dos equipos, a quienes solo les servía ganar. Partido Completo
From executive producer William H. Holla in association with WHP FILMS comes this hilarious and fictitious look into the Trump presidency and chaotic style. Starring the Whitehouse Administration, former employees, family member and confidants of President Donald Trump. This gritty to the punch-edge comedy also presents the adventures of a backwards working Government in an effort to make America great again.
From executive producer William H. Holla in association with WHP FILMS comes this hilarious and fictitious look into the Trump presidency and chaotic style. Starring the Whitehouse Administration, former employees, family member and confidants of President Donald Trump. This gritty to the punch-edge comedy also presents the adventures of a backwards working Government in an effort to make America great again.