Project Derelict TrailerA man, referred to only as "The Derelict" (Jason James), wakes up with amnesia to a world caught in a struggle between the law and the lawless. Desperate for answers to his past, The Derelict begins to investigate. A man named Ted Nerelco (David Palo) informs him he was a member of an organization called "Project Derelict." This was a group dedicated to taking down Donovan Abruzzi, the leader of a large crime ring who's identity is only known to a handful of people. Only a few days before, Donovan was killed, and after an attempt is made on The Derelict's life, it becomes apparent that Donovan's supporters believe he is the man behind the assassination.
Surrounded by betrayal, lies, and inside men, The Derelict does not know who to trust, or even if he can trust himself.