Prisoners in Freedom City (2)Prisoners in Freedom City (自由城的囚徒), a documentary by Hu Jia and Zeng Jinyan
01/21: Zeng Jinyan remains trapped at home with her 2 month old baby and all communication with the outside world cut off. It is unknown whether they have anything to eat; what is known is that one blogger sent a parcel of milk formula, but it was intercepted by police. A number of bloggers attempted on Jan. 20 to go to Zeng's home and deliver food and supplies to her and her baby, but were unsuccessful.
Think you could pull it off? Zeng's home address is #542, unit 5, tower 76, BOBO Freedom City, Tongzhou district, Beijing. BOBO Freedom City can be reached by taking buses #928 and 846, and there is also a direct bus from Guomao.
**:北京通州区东果园BOBO自由城76号楼5单元542号。 322、342、728、938支4区间、928、846多路公交可达,国贸有班车。