Breaking: nicomedy dies in deadly laughing accident/Madmen Bloomberg Election postponed [Happy Remixx ;]ReMix and self-censored remixxx of formerly censored politmash. After the original release i got immediately fired at Motorino Restaurant, for yet to be determined reasons, most likely this is linked to political fu*kheads within electronic space defense Industry in Europe, doing some kowardish phone calls, to fire and destabilize *ME* AND my ego ;
So here it is very slooow again, for sloooow people:
Breaking: nicomedy dies in deadly laughing accident/Madmen Bloomberg
Election postponed [Happy Remixx ;]
[and if someone *here failed as well, it's not my ego, but the NSDAP = Nico's Sex Deutsche Arbei Partei ]
And to make this CRYSTAL CLEAR: I don't hide my own 'outspoken' emotions,
i don't wanna have new diversions with either RG or MHeads, neither i wanna be involbved with jealous mindfuks, who never heard about PR, Distributions or Corporate Work. Just leave me the fuk alone. [The latter doesn't count for TheWebfairy], who is smart enuff, to leave her other alter ego abit untouched. You're ...