Harry Potter as Spiderman--- Download the BIGGER, AUDIO-FIXED version here: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v1455300kYN8H8kD --- A Harry Potter trailer with audio from the Spiderman 3 trailer
--- A retake of the Potterverse from PoA onwards
--- When Harry finds out that his uncle's killer is on the loose, he finds a frightening depth of hatred inside of him. He slowly loses grip of who he is and falls prey to Lord Voldermort's influence
--- Cast: Harry (Peter); Cho Chang/Hermione (Mary Jane); McGonagall (Aunt May); Fudge (???); Draco (Harry); Ron (Eddie Brock); Sirius (Flint Marko); Grawp (Sandman); Voldemort (Venom) ---