212 - [Tr] MacMontage 09 [Trailer][Trailer for Members Show] It's been a while but it's time for another Extra! members MacMontage show - a collection of really handy but unrelated hints and tips that usually don't warrant a show on their own.
This week, I cover four main areas:
Removing Duplicates in iPhoto - Following on from last week, as promised, I take a look at a relatively inexpensive utility that allows you to purge your iPhoto library of duplicate photos. I explore the most effective methods of using Duplicate Annihilator and importantly, cover how to safeguard against finding false duplicates, along with some suggestions for double checking your results.
QuickLook Plugins - Introduced in Leopard, QuickLook allows you to see the contents of all sorts of files directly from the Finder, just by tapping the space bar. Apple have made the QuickLook architecture extensible allowing third party developers to create custom QuickLook plugins. In this section, I take a look at a great web resource for Quicklook Plugins, along with ...