5/26/08: Weezer releases a new music video featuring internet celebs, Musicovery.com allows us to pick music according to our mood, Lisa Nova promotes her new collab characters, plus the biggest drawing in the world.
Promotional video of Tribute to Queen, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Rod Stewart, The Police, Pink Floyd, U2, Elton John, and David Bowie
Videography and editing by Lisa P
Special Public Service Announcement I did with Lisa Nova...
Check out Lisa Nova at
Episode 2 of Wilber the Cat.
The Wilber the Cat series has been doing well on youtube. www.youtube.com/ericmoyer - I plan on pitching this as a half live action, half animated children's series.
This episode also features the voice of actor Robert Romanus and the music of Lisa Loeb (used by permission)
2x2 event where we drank whiskey and played Wii. A good drunken time had by all with Margot, Charlie, Arman, Leah, Franco, Lisa, Josh, Carolina, Beth, Andrew, Maya, Adam.
In this video I share with you an important quote I recently came across by Jim Rohn.
"When talking about personal success, I like to ask four questions. Why? Why not? Why not you? Why not now? Why not acquire the means to travel first class through life, to see the Mona Lisa first hand, to swim the crystal waters of the Bahamas, to sample the food in Paris or Africa? Why not do it all? There's really nothing like a view from the top"
Visit the site to learn more about achieving financial success by working for yourself.
May 21st, 2008. Robertson Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. Britney is seen just after exiting Lisa Kline in a pink v-cut tank top and walking to her SUV. On the slow walk to the car, you can hear and see the paparazzi taking tons of pictures and making comments. She gets into her car and talks with her friend in the next seat. You see Britney's profile through the window before they drive off.
Cita (Sharon Cuneta) and Lisa (Judy Ann Santos) are not just sisters but the best of friends. The harmonious relationship is not only between the two siblings but also between their families especially their children. So when a tragedy hits the family, the ideal relationship turns into an ordeal not just for the sisters but for the people around them. Cita was so affected by the incident that she became indifferent, causing even her husband to give up on her. But after sometime, they realize the value of family and try to bring back the harmony in their lives.