Dr.Homi J.Bhabha Birth CentenaryDr.Homi Jehangir Bhabha was an astute scientist & committed engineer,a dedicated architect, a meticulous planner.He was ardent follower of fine arts and music The path paved by Dr. Bhabha has taken the Indian Atomic Energy Programme to one amongst the best in the world.
Realising immense potential of nuclear energy as a viable
alternative source for electric power generation, launched the Indian Nuclear Programme in March 1944. It was the farsightedness of Dr. Bhabha to start nuclear research in India at a
time following the discovery of nuclear fission phenomena by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman
and soon after Enrico Fermi etal from Chicago reporting the feasibility of sustained nuclear
chain reactions. At that time very little information was available to the outside world about
nuclear fission and sustained chain reactions and nobody was willing to subscribe to the
concept of power generation based on nuclear energy.www.ournewplanets.com