Heavy Hitter Secrets #4 How To Find Your Prospects This short video will show you how to find prospects for your MLM business, and at the end of this video, you will know exactly how to find people who have a desire to become your customers.
You have two keys for building a successful business in network marketing:
The first key is to market your products. The reason is simple: Product users will stay with you longer and therefore, they will give you a better return than opportunity seekers.
The second key is this: you need to expose the benefits of your product to a large number of prospects at low cost. MLM is a numbers game. At most 2% of your prospects will actually buy from you, so you need to have a large number of prospects to start with.
Talking to your friends and family will never get you there. This strategy can only work for your company, but not for you. You need to contact thousands of prospects.
In a home based business you have mainly two ways to find that many prospects: Use the telephone or the internet or both.
Don't shy away from the phone. It is a great way to get started. You can buy lists of prospects at very low cost. And, in spite of what you hear often, you can build your telephone skills fairly quickly.
The internet is a more advanced tool. It is very powerful, but requires some time and effort to master. And, even if you are using the internet, you want to add the phone for personal contact. This will greatly increase your bottom line.
Find out how you can make these tools work for your business. Visit me at my blog http://www.kaidruhl.com/