Feng Shui Success Strategy Sessionshttp://FengShuiSuccess.com/Strategy.htm
Your home and work environments may be supporting you or sabotaging you. Your work and home environments are connected to you energetically. They reflect everything that is going on in your life and your business.
Not everybody is ready for in-depth feng shui consulting or coaching. This video explains the concept of feng Shui strategy sessions, which focus on a particular issue that you have, such as around finances or challenges with a relationship or health problems.
These strategy sessions are extremely focused, specific and personalized, focusing on the issue, challenge or goal that you identify as the most important in your life right now and youâll have an action plan of 3-5 things for you to do over the next 27 days. Itâs manageable and simple â but these strategies make a profound difference. Youâll get results.