Nach einer Fabel von Äsop. Die langsame Schildkröte trifft den schnellen Hasen. Sie ärgert sich darüber, dass der Hase damit angibt, dass er so schnell ist und fordert ihn zu einem Rennen heraus. Der Hase kann über diese Idee nur lachen und nimmt die Herausforderung natürlich an. Wird der Hase das Wettrennen für sich entscheiden?
Strugggling with your website? Implement these 5 key *website strategies* as part of your online marketing strategy & watch your website conversions GO THROUGH THE ROOF!
This work comes from the Nezasaha School of the Tsugaru (the northern area of Honshu island) region of Japan. The unique characteristic of this piece is a technique called komifuki. This breath technique gives the feeling of the wind blowing through the leaves of bamboo grass. Most classical honkyoku pieces begin in the low range, gradually move to the high range, and then climax in the high range. However Sagariha begins with an abrupt strong high pitch which is followed by a sweet, lyrical melody reminiscent of a lullaby.
Sexuality isn't just about orientation. It's about how you respond and how you approach. This week, Divine strips the actors down to their core inner-animal, one which represents their sexual nature. Are you a predator? Are you prey? Do you instinctively default to a woodland creature? Find out who is the deadly wolf and who is the bunny rabbit in the fourth step of Divine's innovative self-development class.
NSFW - Contains swearing
Graffiti MindGem, graffiti mind gem no graffiti mind gem, not here, wrong place but I'm here anyways so what does that say, mindgem right, gaffiti mnd,, what s this, graffiti mindgem A video of how to use an 18" petrol chainsaw safely and effectively for cutting trees, scrap wood and fire wood. Using and 18" chainsaw can be a very effective way to clear felled trees or gather firewood, as seen here