Making And Taking Oaths - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, March 7, 2011We need to discuss oaths, because they are so much a part of our lives. Not only religiously, magickally and spiritually, but in our mundane lives as well. There are the oaths which we consciously take, such as when someone testifies in court, when people get married, or when someone joins a military service. Then, there are the implied oaths, which are there even if a formal oath is not taken. An example in my own life is when Lady Stormy and I adopted Yuengling and Veronica from our local animal shelter.
Of course, there are also those cases in which there is no oath taken or implied. And there will be times when someone will try to hold somebody to an oath which does not really exist.
An oath is mutual - there is something given in both directions. And then there is the question of when an oath is broken. Or for that matter, if someone is told that the other party broke their oath. And thankfully, there is some room for forgiveness there.
We could cover much more and take much more time, too. But here is a beginning on a subject that some spend a lifetime trying to figure out.
Blessed Be!