GBTV #625 (HD) | PenCam HD Trio, Asus Reader, Spotify, Monopoloy City StreetsThe PenCam HD Trio from AipTek is a small camera about the size of a sharpie that shoots 720p video. Stills are 5 megapixels and it has a voice recorder. Asus will be showing off their digital reader by the end of the year. Their goal is to make the world's most inexpensive reader, and it does a lot more than hold books. It'll be full color, and have a webcam and mic. Perhaps they should be aiming at the touchpad market instead. Spotify I'm excited to see the online game that Google and Monopoly are launching on Wednesday. It's called Monopoly City Streets and it's like the game of Monopoly but uses Google Maps as the board game. Promo code GEEK will save you 25% off a membership at