BluebeardTessa Wills tells the story of Bluebeard. "Bluebeard" is a French Hungarian myth about marriage, and knowledge. This version of the story written by Tessa sits between "The Bloody Chamber" version of "Bluebeard" by Angela Carter , and the Opera "The Duke of Bluebeards Castle" by Bela Bartok, excerpts of which you can hear in this recording, played by the radio symphonie orchestra Frankfurt. This video is after the English National Operas December 2009 Performance of the Opera in London. Please let me know what you think! -is it better all in one take? -I could mess around with the video so that it goes slow/fast/backwards/forwards in different sections. It could illustrate the words more, but it breaks the simplicity of it being all in one take. -Does it hold your attention? What parts of it hold you? -Anything else you think?