En HD 720P, esta este es mi primer mini-film y mi primer dirección, insito a la gente a commentar pero pido discreción y nada de uso de malas palabras, retiraré esos comentarios. A los dueños de las canciones de OST's que use les pido no retiren el video, no uso las canciones completas y sólo las uso para armar suspenso o la falta de tal, espero que entiendan. Lamento la mal grabación del diálogo, (actores penosos). Preguntas del video, comenten o escriban en mi canal. Video compatible con el surround sound y DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1, idioma español, México.
In HD 720P, this is my first mini-film and my first time as director, I ask people comment with discrecion, coarse language in comments will not be tolerated and I'll remove the comment. To the respective owners of the copyrights of the songs of OST's I used, I beg for your comprehension and ask you do not remove the audio or video from the web, I do not use all the song, and it is purely to add suspence or the lack thereof, please understand. I deeply regret the bad audio quality in the dialogue, but the actors were shy. Questions on the video, comment or write in my channel, I'll respond as fast as I can. This video is compatible with the surround sound and DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1 audio system. Language spoken, Spanish, Mexico. SUBS added, Engilsh, US. (There is also UK).