Neck/Back Pain & Sciatica Information: Bad Medical Advice & Google Alerts! I subscribe to Google Alerts, and a few other services, for terms like neck pain, back pain, sciatica, sciatic nerve pain, arthritis, and others. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Google Alerts, it is a service that allows me to keep track of certain subjects I am interested in. I subscribe to certain words and phrases in order to keep track of what is going on in my area of specialization and so I can advise you when something really useful comes across my monitor. I will read you just 3 sentences from an article I received in my email from Google alerts. The amount of really bad information on the Internet is frightening. When it comes to your health, please be careful when it comes to some of the garbage out there...some of it is really bad. And unfortunately, it is not uncommon. For some good articles on a variety of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica related topics