This is a comedy about a south side kid from chicago, who decided to turn his life around and become a Junkman. Produced by 747 Studioz and created by Juluster Bobo and Greg Baker music by Moet Grind Gang song Biggin Up
Part 2 of 2 - Rothschilds have rigged Austrian elections twice and Royals are in US to collect the bill !!! 1776 + civil war II are about to repeat at once(simultaneously) !!!
Austrian rigged elections exposed - both rounds !!! Hofer got at least 80% vs Rothschilds(Van der Bellen) !!! Obama and Royals are preparing in this very moment a very dirty surprise against US constitution and December the 19th as well as Brexit may never happen for the world !!! It is time for us to stop accepting our victories as loses and strike back against 73 years old news !!! It is now or never !!! 1776 must commence !!!