New And For Sale - "Candid"Here is a short preview to New And For Sale's music video "Candid" by filmmaker Andreas Janzen is a new ÃCU 2012 submission. Deep down in his lonely mansion, Cody Runner feels haunted by the beast in himself. In a city, where planes fly deep and lightning strikes in dangerous heights, he seeks help in his employer's room of super-secret double danger - activating the underground mills of the shady Gravity Inc. As skyscrapers start to turn into runways, and windows into hatches, Cody finds an abandoned rocket that will take him to the only place his earthly guilt won't follow: the moon.
Voici un bref extrait d'un clip de New And For Sale dirigé par le réalisateur Andreas Janzen, "Candid", est une nouvelle inscription pour ÃCU 2012. Loin de la société, dans son manoir isolé, Cody sent la présence de ses démons intérieurs. Pour les fuir, il active les mécanismes puissants de la très secrète Inc Gravity. Le monde entier tremble. Il se hisse au sommet des gratte-ciel pour atteindre une fusée abandonnée, qui ...