The Time Shooters. Webseries. "The Time Portal." Episode #1.Time Period; 1969, The Vietnam War. On patrol with a company of Rangers when they encounter a time portal. From Director Steven Kahler--a seven time award winning feature Director and Cinematographer with two movies to his credit. (His movie website. ) "The Time Shooters" is a twelve part webseries. Episode Two will introducer the main characters and will develop more of the plot; Cowboy and Zack are troopers with the 101st. Airborne who encounter something out of the ordinary while fighting the Viet Cong. Meg is an ARMY Nurse. While being transferred to a new hospital her helicopter is shot down behind enemy lines where she encounters an enemy more dangerous then the Viet Cong. Future episodes will be uploaded in the coming months. The Time Shooters is a sci-fi series based upon shows such as the Twilight Zone or Lost so sign up at my channel to be updated when the next webisode is available. Please spread the word and rate my video. Thanks for watching!