The Grand Design ExposedDecember 6, 07 edition of GSIJ. "The Grand Design Exposed". Tom Friess reads and discusses the Introduction and the first chapters of the book, "The Grand Design Exposed" by John Daniel. John Daniel exposes through Bible prophecy and hidden history the rise of the "Grand Design". The Grand Design, according to Daniel, is the New World Order. And the New World Order is a global government, a global financial system, and a global "Universal" religion over which the Pope, the Biblical Antichrist, reigns supreme and autonomous. Among many other startling revelations, Daniel's book describes the Jesuit influence in the founding of this nation and the global Papal hegemony that the U.S.A., the "False Prophet" of the book of Revelation, is forcing upon the whole world. To get a copy of this book, call 304-392-6155. Or send $20 with your order to: John Daniel, American Sentry Books, PO Box 14, Crawley, WV, 24931.