Future of Food and Drink Industry conference keynote speakerhttp://www.globalchange.com Future of food prices. Reasons for high wheat prices – Australia drought, emerging markets, more people eating meat, biofuels etc. Food emotions in consumers and food scares – product recalls. Debate over use of food, food for fuel, food dumping, subsidised foods, animal welfare, pesticides and fungicides. Customer focus in food and drink industry. Role of media in revelation. Dioxin scare in Belgium – impact on Italy. Food for health and prevention of disease. Genetically modified food for increased yields. Land use changes and government farming subsidies – GAT and trade barriers for food import. Ban on food exports and food riots. Image of food and winning trust of consumers. Impact of large retail chains on retail food and drink markets. Impact of urbanisation in China, India and Africa. Growth of global food market. Impact of rising food prices (wheat, soya, rice) on poorest consumers leading to political unrest, and possible changes in ...