Sky High Auctions has covered everything, and I mean everything you need to know about selling and profiting on eBay! What is Sky High Auctions? In a nutshell, what we've done is assembled the best of our eBay Powerseller contacts and online auction gurus and put together the most comprehensive course available that teaches you how to make a full time living from online auction sites, such as eBay. You'll learn everything including: How to choose which products to sell How to source them How to get your customers to buy from you again and again How to set up your own website How to set up an autoresponder to follow up with your customers How to organize your store so that you niche properly (many of the course creators have excellent examples, e.g. pricebreakerno1, who sells costumes) How to automate your eBay business using the various software tools How to deal with eBay's new feedback rules and fees How to make incredible money selling ebooks on eBay and so much more!