English sub by GOE-SS (www.clubbox.co***/GodsoftheEast OR www.godsoftheeast.net) Thai sub by little_saku (www.clubbox.co***/littlesaku OR www.under-the-sky.bloggang.com)
Dead Tree Waltz No. II Same Video as Dead Tree Waltz No I but with an effect to add motion and Music By Elton John: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.
This just went together so well I was amazed.
The sky was dark, but the waters shone as if illumined by an independent light source.
As usual, these videos are free to download from Veoh, Google Video, and my multiply page.
The sky was dark, but the waters shone as if illumined by an independent light source.
As usual, these videos are free to download from Veoh, Google Video, and my multiply page.
The sky was dark, but the waters shone as if illumined by an independent light source.
As usual, these videos are free to download from Veoh, Google Video, and my multiply page.
Garmin has come up with the most technologically advanced mini multi-function display (mini-MFD for short)for aviation GPS. The GPSMAP 496 is truly a marvel of technology. SkyGeek.com takes the Garmin up in the sky to explore the amazing and useful functions on this unit which range from a full color screen to satellite weather and terrain alerting. SkyGeek.com has the Garmin 496 in stock and ready for flight!