Das frisch vermählte Ehepaar Antoine und Antoinette leben ihr ganz gewöhnliches Alltagsleben: Er ist Setzer, sie Verkäuferin. Sie lieben sich, streiten sich über Banalitäten, er ist eifersüchtig, sie gibt ihm mehr oder wenier Grund dazu. Beide sind glücklich mit ihrem bescheidenen Auskommen. Ein Lotterielos, das sie verlegt haben, bringt plötzlich turbulente Aufregung in ihr Dasein.
Brian Setzer helped bring swing and rockabilly music back into the mainstream, and has solidified his place as a member of rock royalty. http://www.WatchMojo.com gets the lowdown on Setzer'€™s career from the King of Swing himself.
With Damien Riley & Michael Cappetta on guitar and bass. This is from our annual Home Christmas Concert, where we cram everyone in our living room for a Christmas sing-along. The song is by Brian Setzer. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Nicole's race across the Triad to a shiny, new diamond ring! This video was taken and edited by our friend Jennifer John (Jee) while two other friends, Lenora and Bri, helped guide Nicole through 5 different stops throughout the Triad over a 5 1/2 hour period. The proposal was setup like the show "The Amazing Race"... Of course the twist was that it was just her (being followed around by a camera) and each clue sent her to a place where we've had a date over the past 2 1/2 years. She had tasks to do that we actually did on our dates -- needless to say, she had a blast! And the reward at the end was pretty exciting as well. To get her to take this day off of work, I had to come up with a fake fun day. She was under the impression that she was going to lunch with the girls in Burlington, then going to a wine tasting & hike nearby, and finishing off the day in Winston-Salem with me at a Winston-Salem Dash baseball game. This is what she really had coming her way: 1. Girls at brunch in Burlington/Nicole's surprise of her day ahead 2. Kayaking at Lake MacKintosh 3. Rock Climbing at the Ultimate Climbing Gym (where we met) 4. Dodgeball/Basketball tasks at Peak Fitness in Winston-Salem 5. Eating the most amazing chocolate cake at Noma in downtown Winston-Salem 6. Oriental Shrine Club (our 1st date for a swing dance with the Piedmont Swing Dance Society): Slow dance to Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" and then Swing dance to Brian Setzer's "Jump, Jive, and Wail"... then I got on mic to say how much I love her and then got on one knee and proposed. I love you Nicole!
Am „Freitagsmarkt“ in Antwerpen, der größten Stadt nördlich der Alpen, wird um 1570 hart gearbeitet. Der gebürtige Franzose Christoffel Plantin kontrolliert den Stand der Produktion. Seit Wochen wird an der Drucklegung der „Biblia Polyglotta“ gearbeitet, einem typografischen Meisterwerk des 16. Jahrhunderts. Es erscheint in 5 Sprachen: Latein, Griechisch, Hebräisch, Syrisch und Armäisch – jede Ausgabe in 8 Bänden. Etwas derartiges gab es noch nie. Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts, rattern hier die Druckerpressen. Sechzehn sind gleichzeitig in Betrieb, 32 Drucker, 20 Setzer und diverse Helfer in Aktion. Hauptabnehmer und Auftraggeber für die überwiegend religiösen Werke ist zunächst der Spanische König Philipp II.
OH HOUR, SKULL RAFT, Brian Setzer, Jump Jivin Wail, Charlotte Gainsbourg, explosion, narration, Cowboy Bebop, Chicken Bone, Thats Mama Luigi To You mario, City Hunter, anime, Gandalf, Coconut, music
Concept: This is a multi-editor project using the ending credits of Final Fantasy VI, which are 21 minutes long. Thankfully, because of the project's concept, the time has been reduced down. The first ten minutes of the credits play theme songs of each of the games main characters, each one ranging to 40 seconds to a minute and a half. We took the characters from the game that had their own theme and adapted appropriate anime character to them. Therein lies the beauty of the project.
Kusoyaro (Cyan)
Castor Troy (Setzer)
Pie Row Maniac (Edgar & Sabin)
AtomX (Mog)
Radman (Umaro)
Vancore (Gogo)
KillDieMurder (Gau)
Dwchang (Celes & Locke, Relm)
SephirothJenova (Terra)
Burntoast (Shadow)
SSJVegita0609 (Strago)