I am singing and Tom Howard is playing the guitar for the song called "Royals by Lorde". Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Tom Howard, "Alison Mason go nuts!".
I am singing and Shaun Murray is playing the guitar for the song called "Feelings by Morris Albert". This song was from one of my favourite movies called "Last feelings".
I am singing and Mark Dennison is playing the keyboard for the song called "When Smokey Sings by ABC". I still need to work on this song, but I have uploaded it anyway.
I am singing my version of this song and Mark Dennison is playing the keyboard for the song called "Hold Me Now by Thompson Twins". The lower notes are still difficult for me to sing.
I am singing my version of this song and Evan Handyside is playing the guitar for the song called "Extreme Ways by Moby". Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Evan Handyside, "Sure Alison, good luck to you:)"
I am singing this emotional song and Richard Armstrong is playing the guitar for the song called "Everybody Hurts by R.E.M." Yes, I have permission to use any of his music as backing tracks. From Richard Armstrong, "Of course you can Alison."
I am singing and Jorge Nolla is playing the guitar for the song called "Scarborough Fair by Simon & Garfunkel". As this is a two-person song, I just sung the lyrics for one person.
Lisa is the guest on this episode, MGC shows Korean Visual Kei band Eve to Lisa, and Lisa shows Matt a Japanese Visual Kei song by R-Shitei song he's never heard
MGC invites Jeff Carpenter/JT Stahr on to react to Abingdon Boys School, and it's MGC's first time hearing and watching video for the radiohead song "Just"
I am singing and Albert Van Vlierden is playing the keyboard for the song called "Dancing In The Dark by Bruce Springsteen". Singing this song was more difficult than I thought.
Lover by Taylor Swift is officially on my "Wedding Song" playlist. Close your eyes, imagine your "lover." And all the things that you've been through together. Hope you like this version!
I am singing and Cyber Complexity System is playing the music for the song called "Reap The Wild Wind by Ultravox". Yes, I have permission to use this music as a backing track. From Cyber Complexity System, "Yes, OK."
I am singing and David Locke is playing the guitar for the song called "Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden". Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From David Locke, "No problem. Please feel free to use it :)"