One of the attractive features of the teachings of the master Rev. Soichiro Otsubo is for us to actually feel the live divine workings of God Tenchi-KanenoKami.
The essence of transformation life coaching lies in its holistic approach. It addresses the entire spectrum of an individual’s life, including emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects.
One of the meanings of cherishing the naliyuki happening to us is to accept it for one's own spiritual growth as the divine workings of God Tenchi-KanenoKami.
The stance or physical preparationThe stance or mental preparation is important in practicing the faith. The naliyuki happening to us is the divine workings of God Tenchi-KanenoKami, which is the stance in the faith practice. 08-02-2024
It is important that the content of the faith will be changed from the fulfillment of my selfish wish to the fulfillment of the divine wish for me. 07-25-2024