the Bird Tribes Network System for Planetary Awakening and AbundanceThe Bird Tribes Network Abundance System is both an Ethical Business for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and a Co-operative Game of Planetary Awakening created especially for these times of transformation.
You can generate income by promoting good things! You can get started and make money for virtually nothing!
Practice the Law of Attraction on a global level for the whole Earth.
Exercise you Abundance Manifesting powers for the future of the planet!
We have the worlds most beautiful social networking site incorporating sacred geometry artworks and absolutely minimal advertising. We have a free to copy encyclopedic Cd Rom of inspirational and enlightening materials. There has never been a time like this before. There has never been an opportunity like this before. Join us in facilitating a harmonious transition to a sustainable and compassionate society.
The BirdTribesNetwork is about
Peace, Beauty, Wholeness, Gentleness, Truth, Awareness, Health, Spirit, Angels, Ecology, Sustainability, Leadership, ...