Road Node 101::Gretna, NE::EricPlay Quicktime Version
Arrived outside Omaha following Off-the-Grid Geek camp utterly exhausted and without land-legs. Stumbling from the car, this man loped to hold open the door. Invited him to visit. He did. I had one small tomato, some salt & pepper chips, a loaf of bread, and the left-over Scotch whisky Scott Prentice had offered as a parting gift. Eric and I ate together. It seemed a feast.
Early on, Eric told me he's an ex-con, but I knew that already from the tattoos.
He made me feel beautiful.
Sweet Eric made me the beneficiary of an air mattress he had but did not use. It was marvelous to sleep not on the ground. thank you, Eric. You're an angel.
Bill Streeter: thanks for the well-timed couch .
Tags: Faux Press Road Node 101 Movlog