Variant Edition Tuesday 1/29/08Wow, it's been awhile. We thought that we were going to be back on track last week...and, well, we almost got there. We shot last week, but couldn't get it out. So this Variant Edition Tuesday has last week's news and this week's comics.
Variant Edition Tuesday is the quick dose of comic knowledge you need before you step into the comic book shop this week: the best books hitting the stands and the latest headlines.
Spidey in the news, comics go online (and in paper too) and the Justice League goes on hiatus. Plus the sad news of Heath Ledger's death...will it affect The Dark Knight?<br>
Our Pick of the Week: X-Men #207.<br>
Plus we choose Amazing Spider-Man #546 as our Book of the Week !<br>
Oh, and we got mentioned in the Star Ledger! <a href="">Check it out</a>.