Monday December 12, 2007 : Day of Daysstory links: International Human Rights Day , The 25th anniversary of The Commodore 64 , 139th birthday of the first traffic signal , The Beard and Mustache Knitted Face Cap , More cities add LED's to holiday displays , LED X-mas lights for sale online , Vote for Chris Christmas Rodriguez this year to replace Santa , Rocketboom on Tibet , United States only country unwilling to follow Kyoto Protocol , Rudd signs Kyoto Agreement , Investor's Business Daily's Patrick Seitz predicts Apple Macs will gain share , see also Apple Santa , Apple iPhone sales chart , Worldwide iTunes and iPod sales , Apple has $15billion stock pile , Steve Jobs and the Early Years , Weird Shoes , Tay Zonday chatting in Berlin , 17-jointed violin bot , Winston the Waterfountain ( via )