Toledo Rotary 08062012Monday's Meeting August 6: Lawrence W. Nichols, William Hutton Senior Curator, Toledo Museum of Art - "Manet: Portraying Life" - Why It Matters Larry joined TMA in 1992 after being assistant curator of European painting at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. A specialist in Northern Baroque painting, his Ph.D. thesis from Columbia University was on the paintings of Hendrick Goltzius, and he recently completed a catalogue raisonné on the subject. He received his B.A. from Dartmouth College. Nichols serves the old master paintings vetting committee of The European Fine Arts Fair held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, each March and served on the Domestic Indemnity Program Panel of the National Endowment for the Arts. He was a visiting scholar at the Getty Research Institute in 2010 and at the Clark Art Institute in 1999.