Secrets You Might Need To Know - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, April 11, 2011Someone recently accused me of being too political. Excuse me, but we are living in political times, and there are some things we need to know about in order to at least survive, and at best deal successfully with other paths, especially those who would interfere with us and our rights.
And here I reveal one of the biggest secrets waiting for us in plain sight: Their Bible is actually more Pagan-friendly than many (especially Christian fundamenalists) want to know. There is a psalm in which their god speaks to other gods. Actually, there's more than one psalm that mentions there being more than one god, but in this one, the "Most High" speaks to the others!
Of course, we have the statement about sheep which are not of that particular fold, which does not say how many other folds there might be, or where they are. How many paths have people waiting for a god's son to return?
And, there's the matter of the only sin which cannot be forgiven. On that yardstick, you and I are in a lot less trouble than many who might condemn us.
As if to point out something, there's the time that someone entrapped the leaders of the religious establishment in an act of desecration, and he let them off the hook - or did they realize what they had done!
But finally, there is a statement which is probably the first declaration of the separation of church and state, and it's in the Christian's Bible!
These are secrets which are indeed in plain sight, and we will do well to know them and be in a position to speak on them.
Blessed Be!