Interview with the winner of the mens class in the Orienteering World Cup Round number 1-2007 in Lapua, Finland - Thierry Gueorgiou. Gueorgiou was also the winner of the overall World Cup in 2006. (C) 2007 woO-TV / Jan Kocbach.
My family's beloved LBI beach house has been the ugliest on the block since I can remember...but no more! Awesome new siding, porches and shower upgrades, yee haw!
Del 1 av intervju med juniorlandslagstrener Kenneth Buch om JVM Testløpene på Tunhovd 9.-10. juni 2007. Del 2 kommer etter at uttaket er offentliggjort. (C) 2007 woO-TV / Jan Kocbach. Kan fritt offentliggjøres/kopieres så lenge hele klippet vises samlet.
Del 1 av intervju med juniorlandslagstrener Kenneth Buch om JVM Testløpene på Tunhovd 9.-10. juni 2007. Del 2 kommer etter at uttaket er offentliggjort. (C) 2007 woO-TV / Jan Kocbach. Kan fritt offentliggjøres/kopieres så lenge hele klippet vises samlet.
The Driver is hired by the FBI to help capture a hostage taker. The man has kidnapped a woman and left her somewhere, while the Driver makes the drop of over a $1000000. The taker orders the Driver to burn the money, the federal agents break in and attempt to subdue the man before he shoots himself in the head. The Driver then solves a cryptic code before rescuing the woman from a sinking car. The woman, revealed to be the taker's boss and lover, taunts the taker before he dies in the hospital.
* Directed by John Woo
* Featured the BMW Z4
An overview of the Korean drum, janggu.
Music (in order of appearance)
1. Jang Woo Hyug - Sunny (feat. J) | 2ì§- My Way
2. Nintendo - Mii Channel | Wii Channels
3. Estradasphere - SuperBuckJazz |
4. Disney - Hakuna Matata | The Lion King OST
5. Vivaldi - Spring (1st Movement
Complete live coverage from Champs Meeting - Mens category (Swedish language). 5 minute browser preview - please download to get full video. This is new version with high quality for full screen viewing! Published on woO-TV with permission from the organizers. Commentary: Per Forsberg and Fredrik Lovegren. Photo: David Herngren. Project Leader: Rickard Jonsson. Producer: Johan Wass. Graphics: SportIdent. Positioning: TracTrac Aps. Executive producer: Jorgen Akerbeg, Sport-Expressen. Produced by Filmhouse. (C) 2007 Champs-meeting
Complete live coverage from Champs Meeting - Womens category (Swedish language). 5 minute browser preview - please download video to get full length full quality version. This is a new version with high quality for full screen viewing! Published on woO-TV with permission from the organizers. Commentary: Per Forsberg and Fredrik Lovegren. Photo: David Herngren. Project Leader: Rickard Jonsson. Producer: Johan Wass. Graphics: SportIdent. Positioning: TracTrac Aps. Executive producer: Jorgen Akerbeg, Sport-Expressen. Produced by Filmhouse. (C) 2007 Champs-meeting
Follow through the Norwegian Sprint Champs 2007 Women Elite course with a head camera - and see the challenges the runners faced alongside on the map. Included also some runners at different places in the course - including Marianne Andersen, Elise Egseth, Karianne Ruud, Jostein Andersen and more. (C) 2007 woO-TV / Jan Kocbach.
Complete live coverage from Champs Meeting - Womens category (Swedish language). Version with improved quality will be offered later on - this one is only 320x200 pixels 300 kbit/s. Published on woO-TV with permission from the organizers. Commentary: Per Forsberg and Fredrik Lovegren. Photo: David Herngren. Project Leader: Rickard Jonsson. Producer: Johan Wass. Graphics: SportIdent. Positioning: TracTrac Aps. Executive producer: Jorgen Akerbeg, Sport-Expressen. Produced by Filmhouse. (C) 2007 Champs-meeting
Slob's been nominated for 2 awards! Woo. Visit A spoof of the Dove Evolution film. Thank God our perception of beauty is distorted. Real life is rubbish.
Complete live coverage from Champs Meeting - Mens category (Swedish language). Version with improved quality will be offered later on - this one is only 320x200 pixels 300 kbit/s. Published on woO-TV with permission from the organizers. Commentary: Per Forsberg and Fredrik Lovegren. Photo: David Herngren. Project Leader: Rickard Jonsson. Producer: Johan Wass. Graphics: SportIdent. Positioning: TracTrac Aps. Executive producer: Jorgen Akerbeg, Sport-Expressen. Produced by Filmhouse. (C) 2007 Champs-meeting
Korean Variety Show.
Also known as Mental Burst, Burst Mental Concentration, Unified Mind
MC's: Kim Yong Man & Hyun Young
Regulars: Shin Jung Hwan, Ji Sang Ryul, Eun Ji Won & All Lies Band
Announcer: Choi Ki Hwan
Guests: Lee Ki Chan, Jang Na Ra, Mithra Jin (Epik High), Tablo (Epik High), Kim Bin Woo, Won Ki Joon, Lee Kye In & Kim Ae Kyung
KAT-TUN's first TV SHOW.. yep their VERY own show.. just like their senpais(s) have their's...remember Kinki Kid's Domoto Kyoudai, SMAP's SMAPxSMAP, Arashi's MagoMago(& so on)..
It's cute & funny.. lol
Japan's #1 Boyband~ woo~
This episode's guest is Jpop diva, Ai.. it's really funny watch out for Kame's imitation of the Spirited Away's frog.. & Ueda's sexy imitaion of another character in Spirited Away..
Junno annoys them in this episode.. he got bullied XD
Credits: BakaNoSekai's Clubbox + chikara21
Some highlights from the 10Mila 2007 TracTrac Tracking - Mens category. See some of the decisive points in 10Mila 2007 Assembled by Jan Kocbach - woO-TV. See for the complete tracking.
Guests: Yoon Jong Shin, Tablo (Epik High), Woo Seung Min, Jung Jong Chul, Park Joon Hyung, Oh Ji Hyun
Hosts: Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Hyuk Jae, Park Myung Soo, Haha
Korean movie directed by Hong Kong filmmaker Andrew Lau Wai Keung of the Infernal Affairs series, and starring Jeon Ji-hyun (My Sassy Girl), Jung Woo-sung (Musa), John Tai-wai Chiang , Lee Sung-jae (Public Enemy), and Cheon Ho-jin (The Big Swindle).
Daisy is an urban melodrama about a young struggling art painter, the Interpol police detective she loves and a professional hitman from whom there is no escape. Shot entirely in The Netherlands, for the most part in the capital of Amsterdam, Haarlem and Epen. Daisy is produced by iFilm and opened in South Korean cinemas on March 9, 2006.
How To Stop Eating Chocolate Posters and stuff for my fanfic. Credits to: coffeee, hankyung, disfunktional., SharArandia and tramy XD
Song by KangTa
Featuring KangTa, Song Hye Gyo, BoA, Kwon Sang Woo, Rain, Kim Tae Hee
Running around the house (upstairs portion) with the camera, taping Aimee (with hair and candy in her mouth), Mariah (who crushed my candy), and Neko (who was eating a dog plush), and myself. :] Woo!
Male: Hwanhee, Kim Jong Min, Choi Si Won, Lee Min Woo, Brian, Myung Hoon, Choi Kwon and Kim Ji Suk
Female:Bae Seul Gi, Chae Yoen, Shim Eun Jin, Oh Seung Eun, Jo Jung Rin, Cha Hyun Jung, Sung Eun and Lee Yae Won.
After being adrift for 4332 years, Lexx comes into orbit of the planets Fire and Water. Leader of Fire, Prince, heads an expedition in a balloon to intercept the Lexx. He brings back Stan and Xev to Fire, discarding Stan as of little use, and setting him to torture. He tries to woo Xev, and she nearly falls in love with the romantic ruler of a dramatic planet. Kai wakes up, repairs 790, who becomes fixated upon him, and then (having no moth) he decides to long-jump down to planet Water, to find the crew.
Intervju med sportssjef i Norges Orienteringsforbund Göran Andersson om mål og planer for landslaget i 2007. Tatt opp 25/3/2007 under Spring Cup i Danmark. (C) Jan Kocbach / woO-TV 2007
Interviews with the top German runners - Karin Schmalfeld, Leif Bader and Soren Losch - at Spring Cup 2007 (language German). (C) 2007 woO-TV - Jan Kocbach.
Intervju med sportssjef i Norges Orienteringsforbund Goran Andersson om maal og planer for landslaget i 2007. Tatt opp 25/3/2007 under Spring Cup i Danmark. (C) Jan Kocbach / woO-TV 2007
Report from the Long Distance at Spring Cup 2007 by woO-TV, including interviews with the best men and some route choices of the two best runners. Enjoy! Producer: Jan Kocbach. (Some problems with sound quality in the conversion - better sound version will be available later)
Intervju med en av Norges aller beste o-loepere paa juniorsiden, Olav Lundanes. Intervjuet er gjennomfoert paa Spring Cup i Danmark i mars 2007 for woO-TV. (C) 2007 Jan Kocbach. Beklager noe daarlig lydkvalitet.