MonopolyYang Dong Geun, the star of Fighter In The Wind and Address Unknown, plays a genius computer programmer in Monopoly, the debut feature from director Yi Hang Pae. Kyung Ho (Yang) is the best computer programmer in Korea and it is his job to manage the online networks for all of the banks across the country. One day, he runs into John (Kim Sung Soo - The Red Shoes), a smooth talking businessman who invites Kyung Ho to experience the high life with him.
Kyung Ho is seduced by this opulent style of living and agrees to help John with his master plan. By using Kyung Ho’s computer skills and unlimited access, John proposes to withdraw small, unnoticeable amounts of cash from every bank account in the country - making them rich without anybody noticing the money missing. But even in seemingly victimless crimes like John’s, there has to be a loser.