Managing Diabetes now Nearly Pain Free:Attention diabetic patients on medicare! Managing Diabetes now Nearly Pain Free: Call 1-800-840-7711 or visit to have one of these new Pain-Free meters sent directly to you. They handle the paperwork, they ship you the supplies you need right to your home, and they bill medicare directly. Call 1-800-840-7711 for your Free Information about diabetes, diabetic care, and diabetic testing supplies from Thousands of diabetics have learned how you can lower the cost of your testing supplies and receive a pain-free meter if you are on Medicare. No paperwork and free home delivery. Easy sign-up. Diabetes Care Club is a leading diabetic supply company in the United States and provides medical Managing Diabetes to thousands of customers nationwide. Learn more about Managing Diabetes: Diabetes Supplies, What Medicare Covers diabetes, glucose, insulin, blood glucose, blood glucose levels by visiting