People's social security numbers and all important credit information lie in the hands of credit companies, and, indirectly, collection agencies and their employees. Too bad most of the help could care less.
Collector$, a new comedy series from Gratwick Films, takes a hilarious, yet serious look at the shenanigans that go on inside a collection agency. ESG (Elite Solutions Group) is the company struggling to survive in an economy where debtors can barely make their up-to-date payments, let alone past due debt.
The employees, who may or may not even care if they meet their monthly goals, range from the driven to the apathetic. The managers, paranoid at all times their staff will be moving toward greener pastures (portrayed as the "Evil Mclinon Corporation).
The show also touches on controversial subjects in the collection industry, such as the shady (and often illegal, yet hilarious) practices the staff uses in order to get debtors to start paying up.
There is never a dull day in the life of collector$.