Texas AG is the Key To Leadership of Many Other States Says Senator Ken PaxtonSenator Ken Paxton has been touring the Texas countryside, speaking to small businesses and finding out what problems they are having with governmental regulations. He has found that Texas needs an Attorney General to fight the growing bureaucracy and fight for small business. He wants to be that man! In the months leading up to the primary and general election, Senator Paxton would like your support. You can get in touch with his campaign by going to http://www.kenpaxton.com/ to pledge money, volunteer, or set up a Meet-and-Greet for Senator Paxton to appear. In addition to his website, you can also find Senator Paxton on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/senatorkenpaxton; or on Twitter @ paxtongqas. You can also reach him through Patrick Dougher at http://www.doertv.com/, or email at Patrick@DoerSuccess.com - 682-233-0433