6 Ways to Make Money With Your Websitehttp://www.amorsrome.ch/seo_consultant
Many business owners overlook their website another sales channel for their business. Considering that 81 percent of people (according to Nielsen Online) who shop online do it to save time, not money, the online shopper is an overlooked niche of premium buyers. In addition, those who shop online, like to do anytime; and these buyers hate crowds. Despite the economic slowdown, online shopping continues to grow by more 34% every year. That is 10 times the growth of offline shopping. As a business owner, you can't ignore it. So here are some ways to capture the online consumer.
Sell What You Already Do
Don't ignore the obvious; find a way to allow customers to purchase your products and services online. You don't have to sell everything you have, but at the very least, you should be offering your best sellers online. If your customer must come to you, make it easy for them to buy. For example, if you're a hair salon, you can allow your customers to establish and manage their own profiles with favorite products and appointment calendars. You can establish automatic reordering of products. Allow your customers to set calendars on their own, online.