SquadPlay_com_-_Getting_a_Squad_and_Holding_a_Position_in_Ba-1.mp418 min - 24 Nov 2006
SquadPlay.com - Getting a Squad and Holding a Position in Battlefield 2142
18:12 - 4 years ago
SquadPlay This is a SquadPlay movie which starts on the map "Camp Gibraltar" showing how I gather a squad together and then hold a choke point on the Battlefield 2142 map, "Fall of Berlin" on a 64 player server. I also talk about my technique as a squad leader and what I consider good practice for running a squad. It's not a frag video per se, but I did wind up with the gold star as well as the distinguished combat efficiency pin (though interestingly I rarely actually saw who I killed :) - good squad play