The TourMoviestorm is a new animation and film editing program, still in beta testing phase, that will revolutionize machinima moviemaking. This film shows the ability you have with Moviestorm to construct large, originally designed sets. But it is more than just a demonstration. There is a constest and a little story in this film. Various actors from Two Moon Studios take you on a tour through several sets, Suburban Street, Small Town, St. Louis Cathedral and Square in New Orleans, hotel room, courtyard restaurant in New Orleans and a tropical beach. You can win all of these custom designed sets and all the backdrops used by guessing the four Hollywood movies referred to in these scenes.
The last few scenes are a vignette about a young woman unable to decide if she wants to get married or not.
The actors who did voiceovers are Sweatyshoulder, Lucinda McNary and Mark McNary.