Hell's Gate Steel Orchestra in Pan Classicshttp://www.panonthenet.com/classics/hells_gate.htm
The world's oldest steel orchestra "Hell's Gate" opened the Moods of Pan 2007 festival with a bang. Hell's Gate varied repertoire showcased their versatility and musicianship. From ballads to 'jump-up' to gospel, Hells Gate brought it all. Moreover, they left no doubt as to why this storied and highly respected music organization is one of the top orchestras in Antigua & Barbuda. In addition Hell's Gate is the reigning 2007 panorama champion, having won the title two consecutive years. Hells Gate can truly boast that it has some of the best players in the region. Of particular note was the performance of one of Hells Gate's young bass players - a true performing 'triple-threat,' the likes of which has not seen before. He can play, act, dance and hold the attention of the audience. The iconic steel orchestra ended their set with a thunderous roar as they played their panorama-winning rendition to a standing ovation.
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